What is Stringtree ?
Stringtree is a collection of Java APIs and components which together form a powerful and effective way to develop
software. Wherever possible, the components which form the Stringtree collection may be used independently, but the biggest
benefits come when they are used together.
Stringtree is under active development, and has been used in both commercial and open source developments.
What does Stringtree include?
The Stringtree components include:
- Stringtree JSON - a small, neat and robust implementation of a reader, writer, and
validator for the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data format. The reader
and writer
are one class each, with no dependencies at all. Even the full stringtree JSON jar with reader, writer,
validator and some other useful classes weighs in at just 13kB!
- Stringtree Templater - a fast and powerful template system for simply generating all kinds of
textual output, commonly used for generating data formats such as CSV and TSV, XML for transfer of hierarchical information,
and HTML or WML for the web.
- Juicer - a hugely powerful and extensible text transformation "pipeline" which allows complete run-time configuration
and management of the process. This component drives the core of the Wiki markup conversion in
- Fetchers and Finders - a way of assembling building blocks of associative storage to decouple your software from
the details of storage. Works with files, classpath resources, URLs, environment vraibles, request attributes, and many more.
- Spec Files - an enhancement of the popular properties file format which supports objects way beyond the humble String.
What uses Stringtree?
Several sample applications have already been built with Stringtree components. Publicly available examples include:
- Friki - a "wiki" or editable web site.
- Mojasef - a modular java server framework to get your software on the
web without messing with servlets and other plumbing.
Where can I find out more?
The Stringtree source code and jar files are available from Sourceforge.
There is also an occasional blog about Stringtree development.

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